During my time in Costa Rica, I learned multiple different lessons to take back to America with me, I've bonded with a few classmates, and I've had many fun and memorable moments. The most impactful part of my trip was staying with my first host family, Guido and Sarah. They are two hardworking people who go out at night and sell their crafts in the community. Sarah is an artist, and Guido is a wood worker. Both of them virtually had nothing. They lacked wifi, a tv, and much space in their house. But what they lacked in material possessions, they had in love through Christ. Both of them showed me and my roommate, Andrew, so much love. I am in awe of how happy they both were through their poverty and losses within their family. While there was a huge language barrier, Andrew and I communicated relatively well in sharing about all of our families as well as much joking around without words. And even though I'm not a huge fan of rice and beans, I ate as much as I could for my new family. I can say after spending only two and a half days with them that both Andrew and I left their house with a new bond and love for them. It has showed me how God's love and our love should not be indicative of what we have or do no have.
I also had some fun balling with some of the local high school students. I was like MJ out there. I wasn't doing so well on the soccer field with them though so it evened out.
Will Maddox
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