Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Monday, March 21, 2016

What to do with my new tattoo?

Today I received another tattoo.  This is not the first time that God has made a life lasting etch into my heart.  This time, the image is in the form of a beautiful Costa Rican mother named LaMacha.  LaMacha invited us into her home and allowed us to pray for her and for her family.  Her home was built of salvaged crate wood, an assortment of various sized sheets of tin and plastic and was smaller than any classroom at Shannon Forest.  As we spent time with LaMacha she let us know that she had a son that she would love for us to pray for.  Her son was in the home and eventually came and spoke briefly with us at the urging of Hugo, the missionary in the area who we had the privilege of working with.  We prayed for LaMacha and her family.  As we prayed for her son, Giovanni, she began to weep.  She let us know that her son needed to change his job and be safe (his current "job" is as a "robber" in the community).  As we finished our time together, I gave her a hug and told her that I know that Jesus loves her son more than she does and that I will continue to pray for him.  I know that she couldn't understand a word that I said, but I felt as if my heart bonded with hers as a parent longing for better things for their children.  The etching in my heart is in the form of a mother who loves her son and longs for him to experience life to the fullest and to completely know of her love for him.

Like most tattoos, this etching points to something bigger than itself.  Today I was reminded of the depth of the love that our heavenly Father has for His children.  Why do I doubt?  Why do I fear?  Why do I strive for "safety" outside of a complete trust and surrender to Christ?  Today, in the Nicaraguan refugee camp of La Cuenca, LaMacha, who may or may not currently be a sister in Christ, reminded me of some very deep truths about the Father's love for His children.  To be honest, my biggest fear is that I leave this day, and like the Israelites did so many times after a meaningful return to relationship with Jehovah, forget to trust Him fully.  It is my desire that my new tattoo of the heart will remind me of the Father's love for His children, for me, every time that I pray for the people of La Cuenca.  

Daniel Norman

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