Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Laughter is the same in all languages

Yesterday, at the end of our school day, the principle of Lideo de Cot was thanking us for spending time at their school. One thing he said really stuck with me: "in the end, we all laugh the same." This little phrase described the love everyone shared in Cot.

Yesterday, we were paired up with students from the school and attended classes with them. I was anxious about not being able to communicate and being an outsider to someone else's school. I was wrong. They invited us in with open arms. During our "free period," a mix of American and Costa Rican students sat on the grass, listened to Adele and Rihanna songs, and laughed until we cried at each other's dance moves. It was almost as if there was no language barrier because what we couldn't communicate with words we made up for with smiles and laughs.

Later on, I shared more joy with my host family. Whether Abbey and I were playing Jenga with our host daughter or drinking coffee with "mom," we were constantly laughing. Then we would laugh at each other's laugh. It was a continuous circle of happiness.

I have only been in Costa Rica for a few days but I can already see God working in amazing ways. Anyone that knows me, knows how much I love to smile and laugh. Not only have I been able to spread my joy, but each student at Lideo de Cot and each member in my host family has shared their joy to me. No matter which language we speak, we all laugh the same way. 

Caroline Kredensor 

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